iOS Accessibility in SwiftUI Tutorial Part 1: Getting Started

In this article, you’ll fix the accessibility of a SwiftUI master-detail app with various types of images that need more informative labels. By Audrey Tam.

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Labeling System Images

You’re still in the detail view. Highlight the map pin icon next to the artwork’s location:

Map pin label is generic system image name mappin.and.ellipse

Its Trait is Button, so tapping it is a command for the app to perform an action. Its label should tell the user what this command is.

In DetailView.swift, in the HStack, replace Image(systemName: "mappin.and.ellipse") with this code:

Image(systemName: "mappin.and.ellipse")
  .accessibility(label: Text("Open Map"))

The name of an SFSymbols image describes what it looks like, which doesn’t convey any of your app’s context to your users. The Image(systemName:) initializer doesn’t have a label parameter, so you have to use the Accessibility API to specify one.

Build and run, then navigate to a detail view. Use the accessibility inspector and VoiceOver to confirm the system image has a new label:

Map pin label fixed: it's now Open Map

So far, you’ve only had to add a small amount of code. For the next two fixes, you’ll need to do some refactoring.

Labeling the MapView Annotation

MapView is an MKMapView wrapped in a UIViewRepresentable protocol. It’s accessible by default. You can pan and zoom the map and flick through the points of interest. But the map pin marking the annotation isn’t labeled. I adapted this view from Apple’s Landmarks sample project, which has only a coordinate property.

To fix this, you’ll need to modify MapView. You’ll pass it the Artwork, so it can set more properties of its annotation.

In MapView.swift, add this property:

let artwork: Artwork

And delete the coordinate property:

let coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D   // Delete this line

Xcode now complains a lot, but that just helps you find everything you need to fix.

First, down in updateUIView(_:context:), replace the second line with this:

let region = MKCoordinateRegion(center: artwork.coordinate, span: span)

You’re replacing the coordinate property with the same value artwork.coordinate.

There’s another use of coordinate, just after you create annotation. Replace annotation.coordinate = coordinate with:

annotation.coordinate = artwork.coordinate
annotation.title = artwork.title
annotation.subtitle = artwork.locationName

Here, in addition to replacing the deleted property coordinate, you’re setting the annotation’s title and subtitle. Now these will appear on the map, and VoiceOver will read them to the user.

Your last task is to change the two initializations of MapView to take an Artwork argument, instead of CLLocationCoordinate2D.

Down in MapView_Previews, replace the MapView initializer with this:

MapView(artwork: artData[5])

And finally, in LocationMap.swift, replace the MapView initializer with this:

MapView(artwork: artwork)

Build and run, then navigate to the first detail view and tap the map pin to show the map. In Accessibility Inspector, click the Play button to auto-navigate the VoiceOver simulator over the map. You’ll hear something similar to this:

Ala Wai Golf Course, Waikiki Beach, Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, Honolulu Zoo, Kapiolani Regional Park, Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, Kuhio Beach, Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, Kuhio Beach, Legal, Link, Kuhio Beach, Done, Button.

Challenge: In LocationMap.swift, clarify the Text element in the HStack by modifying it with an accessibility label — tell your VoiceOver user this is a map centered at the artwork’s location. Click Reveal to see the solution.

[spoiler title=”Solution”]
Add this modifier to the Text element:

.accessibility(label: Text("Map centered at " + artwork.locationName))

VoiceOver will read this accessibility label instead of just the location name.

Build and run, then navigate to a map view, and use the accessibility inspector and VoiceOver to see the new label:

Map view label fixed: it's now Map centered at, followed by the Artwork location

Note: In Simulator, a map view’s default VoiceOver behavior reads out Points of Interest from top to bottom, leading to trailing edge, so the artwork location isn’t the first thing VoiceOver reads. Also, the artwork location is a Point of Interest as well as an MKAnnotation, which is read after all the Points of Interest. At the time of writing this article with Xcode 11.3 and iOS 13.3, VoiceOver also reads out Points of Interest on devices.

Labeling Emoji

Next, you’ll provide context for the reaction emoji. These appear in both the master list view and the detail view as artwork.reaction.rawValue. What you need is a way to translate each emoji into a word or phrase that expresses its meaning in this app.

Artwork.swift has an enumeration for the reaction emoji:

enum reactionEmoji: String {
  case love = "💕"
  case thoughtful = "🙏"
  case wow = "🌟"
  case none = ""

var reaction: reactionEmoji

To begin, in Artwork.swift, add this method to the enum:

func reactionWord() -> String {
  switch self {
  case .love: return "love it reaction: "
  case .thoughtful: return "thoughtful reaction: "
  case .wow: return "wow reaction: "
  case .none: return ""

You’re specifying the meaning of the emoji in the context of this app. The colon makes VoiceOver pause between reaction and the artwork’s title.

Now, in ContentView.swift, add this modifier to the Text element in the List:

.accessibility(label: Text(artwork.reaction.reactionWord() 
  + artwork.title))

And, in DetailView.swift, add the same modifier to the first Text element in the VStack:

.accessibility(label: Text(artwork.reaction.reactionWord() 
  + artwork.title))

You’re providing an explicit accessibility label for the Text elements. VoiceOver will read this instead of the Text element’s content.

Build and run, then use the accessibility inspector and VoiceOver to check your new labels:

Emoji label fixed: it now describes reaction

Using VoiceOver on a Device: Basic Navigation

The accessibility inspector’s VoiceOver simulator is really convenient, but you should run your app on a device, to find out how it really behaves and sounds for a VoiceOver user.

Running on Your Device

In the PublicArt Project, adjust the iOS Deployment Target, if your device isn’t on the latest version of iOS 13. Note that it must be some version of iOS 13.

In the PublicArt Target, change the Bundle Identifier organization, then click Signing & Capabilities. Check the checkbox to Automatically manage signing, and select a Team.

Signing PublicArt target with changed bundle ID

Setting Up VoiceOver Shortcut

On your device, open Settings▸Accessibility▸Accessibility Shortcut, and select VoiceOver. This enables you to switch VoiceOver on and off by triple-clicking the device’s side button.

iPhone Settings: accessibility shortcut set to VoiceOver

Note: You may find it simpler to ask Siri to turn VoiceOver on and off.

Build and run the app on your device. Triple-click the side button to start VoiceOver. Tap the first item, and listen to VoiceOver say Wow reaction then mangle Prince Jonah’s name.