Server Side Swift with Vapor – First 9 Chapters Now Available!

The first early access release of our Server Side Swift with Vapor book is now available! By Chris Belanger.

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Server Side Swift with Vapor – First 9 Chapters Now Available!

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Great news everyone: The first early access release of our Server Side Swift with Vapor book is now available!

If you’re a beginner to web development, but have worked with Swift for some time, you’ll find it’s easy to create robust, fully featured web apps and web APIs with Vapor 3, and this book will teach you how to do it.

This release has nine chapters:

Get started with Vapor — no previous web development experience required!

Learn how to deploy your projects up to Vapor Cloud!

Easily send test requests and try out your Vapor projects with RESTed!

  • Chapter 2: Hello Vapor: Beginning a project using a new technology can be daunting. Vapor makes it easy to get started. It even provides handy scripts to make sure that your computer is configured correctly. In this chapter, you’ll start by installing the Vapor Toolbox, then use it to build and run your first project. You’ll finish by learning about routing, accepting data and returning JSON.
  • Get started with Vapor — no previous web development experience required!

  • Chapter 3: HTTP Basics: Before you begin your journey with Vapor, you’ll first review the fundamentals of how the web and HTTP operate, including its methods and most common response codes. You’ll also learn how Vapor differs from other Swift frameworks, its benefits, and how it can augment your web development experience.
  • Chapter 4: Async: In this chapter, you’ll learn about asynchronous and non-blocking architectures. You’ll cover Vapor’s approach to these architectures and how to use them. Finally, the chapter will provide a foundational overview of SwiftNIO, a core technology used by Vapor.
  • Chapter 5: Fluent and Persisting Models: In Chapter 2, “Hello, Vapor!”, you learned the basics of creating a Vapor app, including how to create routes. Chapter 5 explains how to use Fluent to save data in Vapor apps. You’ll also learn how to deploy your app using Vapor Cloud.
  • Learn how to deploy your projects up to Vapor Cloud!

  • Chapter 6: Configuring a Database: Databases allow you to persist data in your apps. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to configure your Vapor app to integrate with the database of your choice. Finally, you’ll deploy your app to Vapor Cloud and learn how to set up the database there.
  • Chapter 7: CRUD Database Operations: Chapter 5, “Fluent and Persisting Models”, explained the concept of models and how to store them in a database using Fluent. Chapter 7 concentrates on how to interact with models in the database. You’ll learn about CRUD operations and how they relate to REST APIs. You’ll also see how to leverage Fluent to perform complex queries on your models. Finally, like all chapters in this section, you’ll deploy your code to Vapor Cloud.
  • Chapter 8: Controllers: In previous chapters, you wrote all the route handlers in one file. This isn’t sustainable for large projects as the file quickly becomes too big and cluttered. This chapter introduces the concept of controllers to help manage your routes and models, using both basic controllers and RESTful controllers. Finally, you’ll deploy your code to Vapor Cloud.
  • Chapter 9: Parent Child Relationships: Chapter 5, “Fluent and Persisting Models”, introduced the concept of models. This chapter will show you how to set up a parent child relationship between two models. You’ll learn the purpose of these relationships, how to model them in Vapor and how to use them with routes. You’ll complete the tutorial by deploying your code to Vapor Cloud.
  • Easily send test requests and try out your Vapor projects with RESTed!

  • Chapter 10: Sibling Relationships: In Chapter 9, “Parent Child Relationships”, you learned how to use Fluent to build parent child relationships between models. Chapter 10 will show you how to implement the other type of relationship: sibling relationships. You’ll learn how to model them in Vapor and how to use them in routes. Finally, you’ll deploy your code to Vapor Cloud.

Get started with Vapor — no previous web development experience required!

Learn how to deploy your projects up to Vapor Cloud!

Easily send test requests and try out your Vapor projects with RESTed!

Chapters to come will show you how to test your apps, template with Leaf, build simple iPhone apps and more.

This is the first early access release for the book — keep an eye on the site for another early access release soon!

Where to Go From Here?

Here’s how you can get your early access copy of Server Side Swift with Vapor:

If you haven’t yet pre-ordered Server Side Swift with Vapor, you can get it at the limited-time, early access sale price of $44.99 (until April 27, 2018).

When you order the book, you’ll get exclusive access to the upcoming early access releases of the book so you can get a jumpstart on learning all the new features of Vapor. The full edition of the book should be released late Spring 2018.

  • If you’ve pre-ordered Server Side Swift with Vapor, you can log in to the store and download the early access edition of Server Side Swift with Vapor here.
  • If you haven’t yet pre-ordered Server Side Swift with Vapor, you can get it at the limited-time, early access sale price of $44.99 (until April 27, 2018).

    When you order the book, you’ll get exclusive access to the upcoming early access releases of the book so you can get a jumpstart on learning all the new features of Vapor. The full edition of the book should be released late Spring 2018.

Not sure if this book is for you? Whether you’re looking to create a backend for your iOS app or want to create fully featured web apps, Vapor is the perfect platform for you.

This book starts with the basics of web development and introduces the basics of Vapor; it then walks you through creating APIs and web backends; it shows you how to create and configure databases; it explains deploying to Heroku, AWS, or Docker; it helps you test your creations and more!

Questions about the book? Ask them in the comments below!

Chris Belanger


Chris Belanger


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