State Management With Provider

See how to architect your Flutter app using Provider, letting you readily handle app state to update your UI when the app state changes. By Jonathan Sande.

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Becoming a Millionaire

At the beginning, this tutorial promised to help you become a millionaire. The secret is to visit the right country. Use Moola X to check out various currencies. Then consider visiting the beautiful country of Indonesia, whose currency is the Rupiah.

Indonesia - Photo by Dio Hasbi Saniskoro from Pexels

According to Moola X at the time of this writing, you can be a millionaire there for only $72 US dollars. :]

One million Rupiahs currency conversion

Using Provider in Large-Scale Apps

You can follow the same architectural pattern in this tutorial to build apps with many, many different screens. Once you're comfortable making view models for each screen, you might want to create base classes to reduce the boilerplate code. This tutorial didn't do that because it makes it more difficult to understand what's happening.

Other Architectural and State Management Options

If you don't like the architecture this tutorial demonstrated, consider checking out the BLoC pattern. Our tutorial, Getting Started with the BLoC Pattern is, well, a good place to start. You'll probably find that BLoC isn't as hard as it sounds.

There are others, too, but Provider and BLoC are the two most popular.

Where to Go From Here?

Download the final project using the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of this tutorial.

If you want to learn more about architecture, state management and Provider, check out the following links:

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