Announcing Our Android Fall Sale!

Three new Android books, two new Android book updates, plus incredible savings with our time-limited Android book bundles! By Tiffani Randolph.

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Enter the Android Fall 2019 Mega Bundle Giveaway!

And last but not least, it’s time for another giveaway!

One lucky person will win a free Android Fall 2019 Mega Bundle, which includes all of our Android books! And don’t forget that all of our digital edition books come with free updates for the life of the book.

To enter the giveaway, simply leave a comment on this post, answering the following question:

Which of our books in this lineup are you most excited about?

Don’t have an account to comment? Creating an account is free and easy at the following link:

We’ll hold a random drawing on Friday, September 27, to announce the winner at the end of the Android Fall Sale!

Where to Go From Here?

That’s a lot to take in all at once! Here’s a recap of all this great news:

We’re incredibly excited to release these three new Android books, two new Android book updates and a sale on all of our Android books!

We hope you enjoy our Android Fall Sale and can find something (or even a few somethings 😉) to give you a boost in your development career.

Sale ends Friday, September 27 — don’t miss out!

Tiffani Randolph


Tiffani Randolph


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