Change the Story
Now, the good thing is that we can also change the story we tell ourselves. Once you reflect and realign with yourself, you can alter your story with little changes that can drive your hero (yourself) in the desired direction.
In my story, after the airplane incident, I adjusted my work life. After a while, I started imagining my hero recovering and getting back on track.
This showed me what to look forward to. Plus, not only can you ensure that you’re in sync with your inner self, but you can also give yourself a little nudge in the direction you think is best for your future self.
Recently I’ve had some more changes in my life that have caused me to reflect and refactor quite a bit. Although it’s been a tough year for me, I’m full of hope because my girlfriend and I are expecting a baby.

This has been another great opportunity to reflect and refactor, to consider who I am, what I stand for and why.
Because of this change, I’ve refactored quite a lot. I adjusted the amounts of work and travel I take. I worked on strengthening ties with my extended family and have even chosen to start reading a new and exciting set of books. I feel this new adventure is going to be so much fun.
My new reading list!

My new reading list!
Right now, all of you have a perfect opportunity to reflect and refactor, because you’re here at RWDevcon.
Changes in our perception of ourselves or the world are often driven by new knowledge, and in the next few days, all of you are going to gain a lot of experience. You’re going to meet a plethora of exciting people and make new friends. Most importantly, you’re going to gain a ton of new knowledge.
Use this moment while you’re inspired, while you’re making new friends, while you’re away from your normal life, and take this opportunity to reflect and refactor. I hope it helps you move on to your next heroic adventure in the stories of your lives.
Thank you very much.

Note from Ray: If you enjoyed this talk, you should join us at the next
RWDevCon! We’ve sold out in previous years, so don’t miss your chance.