Introducing the Thermometer App Starter Kit!

Introducing the Thermometer App Starter Kit!
The iOS Tutorial Team is pleased to announce that we have a new starter kit available for purchase – a thermometer app starter kit!
This starter kit includes a fully functional thermometer app that you can use as a starter for your own project, along with a 100-page step-by-step tutorial showing you how you can make the app from scratch!
It includes full details on how you can use the undocumented iOS 5 thermometer API – information you won’t find anywhere else!
Keep reading to find out how it works, what sort of apps you can make with this, and more!
How Does It Work?
Read the temperature with an undocumented iOS5 API!

Read the temperature with an undocumented iOS5 API!
It turns out that there is an undocumented iOS 5 API that allows access to a secret thermometer embedded within iPhone 4S devices.
Without giving away the details covered in the Starter Kit, there is a particular new API in iOS 5 (listed in the iOS 4.3 to iOS 5.0 API Differences) that takes a number of pre-defined Apple constants that range in numeric value from 1-5. If you pass in 6 instead, you gain access to the hidden thermometer!
We speculate that the existence of the thermometer in iPhone 4 devices was intended to be kept under wraps until a later date, but now the cat’s out of the bag!
As you know, every time a new capability comes out on the iPhone it’s a gold rush – so now’s your chance to get in early!
What Can I Make With It?
There are many different types of apps you could make with the Thermometer App Starter Kit:
Never overcook your turkey again!

Never overcook your turkey again!
Sickness Detector. Insert your iPhone under your tongue to tell whether you or your family members have a fever or are just fooling! Do be careful not to get your iPhone too wet, it may void your warranty.
Turkey Baker. Insert your iPhone into your turkey to tell if it is ready for Thanksgiving dinner!
Automatic Sick Notes. Automatically send a sick note to your boss, and prove you’re telling the truth with readings from this app!
Coder’s Weather Checker. Too busy coding to go outside to check the temperature? Just stick your iPhone out the window!
Check the temperature without having to go outside!

Check the temperature without having to go outside!
And that’s just the first four ideas that come to mind – your imagination is the only limit!
Thank You Beta Testers!
Doctor approved!

Doctor approved!
To ensure that this technique has the highest level of accuracy and quality, we have brought in some professional doctors to act as beta testers.
Huge thanks to Dr.s McCoy, Quinn, Phil, Mario, and Dre for all of their testing and support!
I asked these guys and girls for some feedback on the Thermometer App Starter Kit, and here’s what they sent:
“Extremely well written, the Thermometer App Starter Kit shows you how you can make a medically sound thermometer app accurate to within the tenth of a degree. Now I can read my patient’s temperature while playing Angry Birds at the same time!”
–Dr. Quinn
And That’s a Wrap!
If you want to purchase the Thermometer App Starter Kit, just click the link below.
To celebrate the launch, today it’s on discount for just $9 – you’d be foolish not to take advantage of this special day’s offer!

We hope you enjoy the Thermometer App Starter Kit, and hope you have a great day! :]