SF Symbols 3 for iOS: What’s New

Learn how to use the new features on SF Symbols 3, which allows you to customize colors, shading, accessibility and localization, as well as add custom symbols more easily. By Chuck Krutsinger .

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Connecting to the TransportAPI

Note: This is an optional step. If you’d like to use actual data, follow these steps to get it from TransportAPI.

Up to now, you’ve done everything with debug data that allowed you to see all the possible status symbols. Time to try this out with some real-time status data from TransportAPI. For that, you’ll need to register and get an API key to use this real-time service.

Go to the TransportAPI Developer Portal. Fill out the form, check the reCAPTCHA checkbox, and click Sign up at the bottom of the form. A confirmation screen will ask you to check your email.

TransportAPI signup page

You’ll receive two emails. The first contains details on how to activate your account. The second confirms that you’ve successfully created a new Application Key.

Follow the instructions in the first email to activate your account. Then, sign in to your new account in the Developer Portal. The landing page shows you the credentials — App ID and App Key — that have just been created. Keep this tab open, as you’ll use these values shortly.

TransportAPI landing page showing API credentials

Now, it’s time to connect the Transport API to your app.

In Xcode, open Debug.xcconfig. Here, you’ll find TRANSPORT_API_SERVICE_APP_ID and TRANSPORT_API_SERVICE_APP_KEY with dummy values. Set each to the values provided by the TransportAPI Developer Portal.

Build and run your app using the TubeStatus scheme. Depending on the time of day in London, UK, this may result in either mostly Good Service or Service Closed statuses. Your mileage may vary!

TubeStatus app with TransportAPI data

Understanding Restrictions on Using SF Symbols

You need to be aware of some limitations when using SF Symbols. SF Symbols are considered system-provided images as defined in the Xcode and Apple SDK license agreements. Here are some of the key points:

SF Symbols iPhone symbol use restrictions

  • You may not use the symbols in your app icons, logos or trademarks.
  • Certain symbols aren’t allowed to be exported, modified or used for any purpose other than Apple-specific technologies.
  • SF Symbols 3 shows you any additional use restrictions in the info tab.
  • SF Symbols iPhone symbol use restrictions

The full text of the license agreements is on Apple’s site. You should be familiar with these agreements if you’re publishing apps — don’t rely solely on this tutorial!

Where to Go From Here?

You can download the completed project files by clicking Download Materials at the top or bottom of the tutorial.

You’ve covered a lot of ground in this tutorial and you’ve seen that using SF Symbols is simple. You’ve also seen that the SF Symbols 3 app provides ways to easily find and use the right symbol you need. Now, you can get busy using them in all your apps. Remember, SF Symbols are available for iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS and macOS too.

To go even deeper with SF Symbols, check out these additional sources of information:

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and if you have any questions or comments, please join the forum discussion below!