Advanced Data Binding in Android: Observables

Learn how to use the Data Binding Library to bind UI elements in your XML layouts to data sources in your app using LiveData and StateFlow. By Husayn Hakeem.

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Observing Objects

An object isn’t observable by default. Even if you wrap it in LiveData, it still isn’t observable, meaning that if any attribute in that object changes, it doesn’t trigger the LiveData to emit the change. For an object to notify its observers when its attributes change, it must implement the Observable interface.

The Data Binding Library provides BaseObservable, a convenience class that implements the Observable interface and makes it easier to propagate changes to the class’s properties. This makes them usable directly from a layout file.

As part of the registration, the user must provide their phone number, which contains two parts: the area code and the rest of the number. This data structure is represented by PhoneNumber.

The first step to make PhoneNumber observable is to have it extend the BaseObservable class. Open PhoneNumber.kt, and update it as follows:

class PhoneNumber: BaseObservable() {

You’ll also need to import the following if the IDE hasn’t informed you:

import androidx.databinding.BaseObservable

Whenever any of the class’s properties change, it must notify its observers. Replace the TODO in this file with the following:

class PhoneNumber : BaseObservable() {

  @get:Bindable // 1
  var areaCode: String = ""
    set(value) {
      field = value
      notifyPropertyChanged(BR.areaCode) // 2

  var number: String = ""
    set(value) {
      field = value

Also import the following if the IDE doesn’t inform you:

import androidx.databinding.Bindable

Here’s what’s happening in the code above:

  1. You annotate areaCode with the Bindable annotation. This lets the Data Binding Library generate an entry for it in a class, This entry is a static immutable integer field of the same name, areaCode, and it identifies when PhoneNumber‘s areaCode field changes.
  2. When areaCode‘s value changes, you propagate the change to notify any observers. You do this by using areaCode‘s generated field in

You’ll notice compile errors in PhoneNumber.kt, since the compiler can’t find BR‘s fields yet. Rebuild the project, and the Data Binding Library will generate the BR class with the appropriate fields.

It’s time to use this class. Open MainViewModel.kt, and replace // TODO: Add phone number with the following:

val phoneNumber = PhoneNumber()

Make sure to import the following if the IDE hasn’t done so:


Now, bind this new instance to the UI. Open activity_main_livedata.xml, locate the phone number’s EditText fields, and update them as follows:

  android:text="@={viewmodel.phoneNumber.areaCode}" />

  android:text="@={viewmodel.phoneNumber.number}" />

Now, as you edit the phone number in the registration form, it also updates the corresponding instance in MainViewModel.

Transforming a Single Data Source

As previously mentioned, using LiveData over the old observable fields offers the option of using transformations. The data source your UI observes can itself observe another data source. That could be another data source the UI is observing or even data streams from other components, like a database. Your data source can then transform data it receives before preparing data for the UI and emitting it.

In the registration form, once the user inputs their email address, you’ll use it to both generate and display their username. You’ll use LiveData‘s Transformations API to accomplish this.

Open MainViewModel.kt, and replace // TODO: Add username with the following:

val showUsername: LiveData<Boolean> =, ::isValidEmail)
val username: LiveData<String> =, ::generateUsername)

Make sure to import the following:

import androidx.lifecycle.Transformations

In the code above:

  1. You use the email property, which is a LiveData instance, to control whether to display or hide the username on the UI. When the user’s email is valid, showUsername emits true to show the username. But when the email is invalid, showUsername emits false to hide it.
  2. Whenever email‘s value changes, generateUsername uses this latest value to generate a new username, which username then emits.

Now, you’ll use these two fields in your layout. Open activity_main_livedata.xml, locate the username’s TextView, and update it as follows:

  android:text="@{@string/username_format(viewmodel.username)}" // 1
  android:visibility="@{viewmodel.showUsername ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE}" /> // 2

Adding the two lines above causes a compile error in your layout file, as the compiler doesn’t know what View is. Import it at the top of the file:

  <import type="android.view.View" />

In the code above, you:

  1. Set up a one-way binding between username and TextView‘s text. Whenever a new username is emitted, TextView‘s text is recomputed. username_format is just a string resource that formats the username, which it takes as an argument.
  2. Use a ternary operator to show or hide TextView depending on the value of showUsername.

Build and run the app, and enter an invalid email address — you’ll see the username doesn’t show up. Now, enter a valid email address — the username is there. Magic!

SweatBar app with valid email entered and username displayed

Transforming Multiple Data Sources

The beauty of LiveData transformations is that you don’t have to limit yourself to a single source — you can transform multiple sources. AndroidX provides a convenience LiveData subclass to achieve this, MediatorLiveData. It can observe multiple sources and perform an operation when any of them emits a new value.

After providing all required information, the user should be able to click REGISTER. Currently, the button is always enabled. Instead, it should be disabled until the user has input all necessary information. This includes the user’s first name, last name and email.

Open MainViewModel.kt, and replace // TODO: Add a way to enable the registration button with the following:

val enableRegistration: LiveData<Boolean> = MediatorLiveData<Boolean>().apply { // 1
  addSources(firstName, lastName, email) { // 2
    value = isUserInformationValid() // 3

Here’s what’s happening in the code above:

  1. You create a new MediatorLiveData instance that emits Booleans: true to enable the registration button and false to disable it.
  2. You observe the required user information fields: firstName, lastName and email.
  3. Whenever the value of any of the fields changes, you emit a new Boolean, indicating whether or not to enable the registration button.

As you may have noticed, isUserInformationValid always returns false. Now, update it as follows:

private fun isUserInformationValid(): Boolean {
  return !firstName.value.isNullOrBlank()
      && !lastName.value.isNullOrBlank()
      && isValidEmail(email.value)

Finally, bind the button’s state to this new field. Open activity_main_livedata.xml, locate the registration button and update it as follows:

  android:enabled="@{viewmodel.enableRegistration}" // 1
  android:onClick="@{(view) -> viewmodel.onRegisterClicked()}" /> // 2

With the code above, you set up:

  1. A one-way binding between enableRegistration and the button’s state.
  2. A click listener on the button that calls onRegisterClicked when the button is enabled and the user clicks it.

Check out onRegisterClicked. It lets MainActivity display a success dialog and should log the user’s information. getUserInformation doesn’t do much at the moment, so update its body as follows:

private fun getUserInformation(): String {
  return "User information:\n" +
      "First name: ${firstName.value}\n" +
      "Last name: ${lastName.value}\n" +
      "Email: ${email.value}\n" +
      "Username: ${username.value}\n" +
      "Phone number: ${phoneNumber.areaCode}-${phoneNumber.number}\n" +
      "Sessions: ${sessions.value}\n"

The code above lets you review the information the user entered. In a real app, you’d probably send this information to the app’s server.

Build and run. Notice the registration button remains disabled until you enter all the required data. When it’s enabled, click it — the registration flow is now complete!

SweatBar app with registration success dialog