The Translation Team and I are very happy to announce that our popular book iOS 6 by Tutorials is now available in Chinese!
We decided to do this as a way of thanking Chinese readers for visiting our site. We hope you enjoy the book!
I want to give huge thanks to our lead translator, Cosmin Pupăză, who coordinated this whole process – without you, this book wouldn’t have been possible!
I also want to give special thanks to Iven Yang and Team Tyran, who translated a whopping 14 chapters in the book. And finally, to the Chinese translators themselves Ben Chen, David Xie, Di Peng, Guanghui Qu, Iven Yang, Lin Ma, Oliver OuYang, Sonic Zhao, Wei Huang, Wei Tao, Wenyuan Liu, Wilson Lin, Xiangping Meng, and Zihan Xu. Thanks so much guys, you rule!
You can now find iOS 6 by Tutorials Chinese Version in the raywenderlich.com store. We hope you enjoy the book! :]