Where to go From Here?
If you’d like to see the app in its perfect form, download the final project for this tutorial here.
At this point, you have a functional app that looks and behaves perfectly, thanks to Facebook Tweaks.
To improve the project, you could add a second view for the summary. Also, the alert view doesn’t quite fit with the overall look and feel of the app, so add tweaks to find the right text size, and position of the summary label.
The coin’s physics aren’t quite perfect either, hence why you occasionally see strange gaps between the coins. SpriteKit is often better suited to simulating physics in this way. Here is a starter project you can use to build NiceJar using SpriteKit instead of UIKit.
Thank you for taking the time to work through this tutorial! I hope you learned some cool new tricks which should make it faster and easier to move through that last 20 percent of your project. Feel free to weigh in, ask questions, or share your brilliant ideas for how to use Facebook Tweaks by leaving a comment below.