Advanced Charles Proxy Tutorial for iOS

Get more out of Charles Proxy by learning advanced features like mapping responses to local files, automating requests and writing logs. By Emad Ghorbaninia.

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Automating Actions

Now that you know how to manipulate requests and responses with breakpoints, you may wonder if there’s a way to do this without having to open the breakpoint editing pane and race to manually change the response every time.

There is! In this section, you’ll learn how to write rules for repetitive actions.

Not only does this save time, but it also helps testers who don’t have the same access to your app. For example, say a tester wants to try your app with a specific token. In this case, they wouldn’t need to add breakpoints to all the requests. Instead, they could use the Rewrite tool to modify the token on all requests using a rule.

Using the Rewrite tool, you can create a rule to modify requests and responses as they pass through Charles.

Illustration of data transforming as it passes through a rewrite rule, with cool animal names like leopard gecko becoming long numbers instead

In the Charles menu bar, click ToolsRewrite. Check Enable Rewrite, then click Add to see all three sections of the tool: sets, locations and rules.

The Charles Proxy Rewrite tool contains areas to configure sets, locations and rules

  1. Sets: Shown on the left, each set can have different locations and different rules.
  2. Locations: Shown on the top right, each location includes a specification for a destination host.
  3. Rules: Shown on the bottom right, each rule includes the actual rewrite operation, where you can manipulate the following attributes of requests and responses:
    • Header
    • Host
    • Path
    • URL
    • Query Parameters
    • Response Status
    • Body

Next, you’ll try this out.

Rewriting Responses in Action

Remember when you mapped to get the response from

Imagine you’re a hacker who wants to use a man-in-the-middle server to receive all the requests and gather the data, responding to it using the same structure as the client expected but with different values. You already mapped the original server to the new one; now, it’s time to rewrite all the requests with a replacement.

In this section, you’ll rewrite that request so that instead of getting people from the, it gets planets.

New set called People

screencap showing added as a new location

screencap showing a new rule mapping people to planets in the Path

StarCharles Star Wars data sample app now shows planets as the characters after setting rewrite rule

  • Remove placeholder set if any.
  • In Charles, open ToolsRewrite.
  • Check Enable Rewrite.
  • Click Add to add a new set and name it People.
  • New set called People

  • Under Location, click Add and paste in the host text field for autofill of the other files. Ensure to include the final slash after people. Click OK

    screencap showing added as a new location

  • In the rules section, add a new rule with a Path type. Enter people into the Value field under Match and planets in the Value field under Replace.
  • screencap showing a new rule mapping people to planets in the Path

  • Click OK to save the new rule, then click OK again to save and close the Rewrite Settings.
  • In the simulator, tap Characters.
  • StarCharles Star Wars data sample app now shows planets as the characters after setting rewrite rule

As you can see, the results aren’t the same as before. One could argue, of course, that the planets themselves are characters too.

Repeating Requests

When you test back-end code, you might want to examine the server’s response without involving your client. The Repeat tool makes this easy. Enable it by right-clicking on any request, then choosing Repeat.

In this scenario, Charles resends the exact same request to the server and shows you the response as a new request without taking any action on your client. This happens only once by default.

Keep the Repeat tool in mind when it’s difficult to navigate to the location where a request gets sent in the client interface. Once you have one example request, use Repeat to send it again.

Note: You can use Repeat Advanced to have more options, like the number of iterations and concurrency, to hook the errors that might come from your back end.

Recording Network Activity

By logging and saving network activity to disk, you can compare results over time. This lets you see if your back-end team made any changes on your server.

Happy cartoon iPhone with blue-green gradient screen of stylized network activity

This also lets you make some reports if you want to pass along any results as a tester or even as a hacker who finds security issues in a particular request.

Mirroring Network Data Locally

Using Mirror, you can save a session’s responses to disk. This comes in handy to:

  • Migrate data from one server to another.
  • Make a copy of all responses.
  • Clone a server to use locally.

Charles places the responses in the same directory structure that the API itself uses. This means you’ll have the same path for each response with the same filename as the URL. Note that the filename includes the query strings.

Colorful, happy cartoon folders and files representing Charles data mirrored to disk

Note: If you receive two responses for the same URL, Charles will overwrite the new one, so you’ll always have the latest response saved in the mirror unless you turn off the tool.

To enable mirroring, do the following:


  • In Charles, open ToolsMirror.
  • Check Enable Mirror.
  • Check Only for selected locations.
  • Choose a save destination.
  • Add a new location by entering* in the host field and click on another field for autofill. Click OK
  • .

view or change mirror settings from the Tools menu

Now that you set Charles to mirror all the responses from to your disk, return to StarCharles in the simulator and navigate around to generate some traffic.

In Finder, open the save destination.

Mirrored data appears in Finder where you chose to save it

Now, you can see the saved session responses.

Automatically Saving Sessions

These days, most developers use Charles or other proxies to monitor their interactions with their servers. However, sometimes it’s really hard to find the specific request and session that caused an issue. This could be because you cleaned the Charles session view or because so many different requests pop in.

Imagine you have a tester who runs a front-end test in parallel across multiple devices with Charles setups. In this case, the tester should be able to see the result and easily make a report in case of an error. By using the Auto Save tool, the pipeline for test automation becomes more straightforward.

Using this tool, Charles automatically saves and clears the recording sessions for any period.

To enable this, follow the steps below:

  • In Charles, open ToolsAuto Save.
  • Check Enable Auto Save.
  • Enter a 2 for save interval. This tell Charles to save every two minutes.
  • Choose a destination to save the data.
  • For this tutorial, leave the Save type as Charles Session File. Check out all the other choices, though, to see what makes sense for your use case.

view or change Auto save settings from the Tools menu

Charles saves session files that have a timestamp in their name in the format yyyyMMddHHmm, so they appear chronologically where you chose the sessions.

Navigate around in StarCharles. Wait for a couple of minutes, you’ll see a saved session in your save destination.

List of auto-saved Charles sessions in Finder

You can make a report using these files and share it with anyone. They can open the file in Charles and see precisely the same session as you produced here.

Note: Auto Save and Mirror save different information from a session. Auto Save keeps everything, all the requests and responses. Mirror keeps just the output data that you received as a response from the server.