Using the Terrain Tools in Unity

Learn to create and manage a wide range of terrains in your apps by using Unity’s powerful Terrain Tools and the all new Terrain Toolbox API. By Mauro Fuentes.

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Experimenting on Your Own

In many ways, creating terrain is an organic process; sometimes great results come from randomly tweaking numbers and painting Picasso-esque heightmaps/splatmaps.

Before proceeding, you can take some time to practice and strengthen your knowledge. Scene 3 is your playground. Try out everything you’ve learned and experiment. Remember to check the terrain values, especially the height, and combine layers to get different results.

Once you’re ready, you’ll learn tools for adding more detail and create an entire scene you can explore!

Importing and Saving Presets

Hope you loved that last mountain! The toolbox has another superpower: You can save pretty much everything as a… can you guess? Yes! An asset. You can save almost any change you make in the Toolbox as a Preset.

For instance, your palette for Scene 2 is a preset. If you go back to Terrain Settings, you’ll also notice a Preset section. The process is the same as before: click Save to convert that preset into an asset. Don’t repeat yourself!

Exploring the Terrain Visualization Tab

Terrain visualization uses the same concept as splatmaps. Unity lets you tint different heights so you can visualize them better. For example, it could help you select better heightmaps or check the overall height of different parts of your terrain.

Also, remember this tool is relatively new; Unity will surely expand on it.

To enable altitude visualization, in the Terrain Toolbox, go the the Terrain Visualization tab. In the Visualization Modes dropdown, select Altitude Heatmap. You can use the Levels slider and list of levels to adjust the bands of color to your liking.

Heatmap function of the Terrain Visualization

Revisiting the Old Terrain Component

The Terrain Toolbox is the new, shiny terrain utility from Unity. But it’s not the first time they’ve added features to create terrain, and many of the previous tools are still accessible alongside the new terrain system.

In this section, you’ll learn the fundamentals to create terrain by hand — particularly, the fundamentals for painting.

Open Scene 4. This scene has six terrains, which were created with just one click using Tiles. Each one has an array of signs with titles. The signs along the X axis represent tools, and the Z axis has an empty space for you to use.

Note: It’s important you go through the list. This will help you know which tool serves you better in the future.

Select Terrain_4 inside of TerrainGroup_0; you’ll see the Terrain Component.

The Terrain Component

There is a row of tabs inside of the Terrain component. These tabs are, from left to right:

  • Create Neighbor Terrains
  • Paint Terrain
  • Paint Trees
  • Paint Details
  • Terrain Settings

Now, you’ll explore each section in more depth.

Create Neighbor Terrains

The first button on the list lets you create neighbor terrains intuitively. When you click it, Unity will display squares to show you where to create one.

The New Neighbor Icon

Just click where you want your new terrain to be and that’s it. You can rename the new terrain and the related TerrainData component as Terrain_4_1. Make it a child of TerrainGroup_0 to better organize the scene.

How to create a new neighbor terrain

Paint Terrain

Now, spoiler alert, this is some heavy-duty stuff. The Paint Terrain has 11 different operations — and four of them have suboperations. That’s why it’s so important to follow along with the examples at least once.

Paint Terrain tools operations

Here are a few useful keyboard shortcuts:

  • A: Brush strength.
  • S: Brush size.
  • D: Brush rotation.
  • Control: On some brushes, this inverts the effect. For others, it works as a modifier.
  • Shift: Enables the smoothing brush.

Next, you’ll find a big list of all brushes with a little example for each.

Reviewing the Brushes

Take into account that most brushes depend on a myriad of tweaks that change the result drastically. So, these examples are just for illustration, but try to follow them.

The Set Height title

This tool sets an absolute height for the terrain, whether it’s in World or Local space.

How to use the Set Height Brush in Unity

Raise or lower terrain title

Raise or lower the current height of the terrain. Use the Control key to make the value negative and carve the surface.

How to use the Lower or Raise Terrain tool

Paint Texture title

Paint textures onto the terrain manually.

How to use the Paint Texture tool

Paint Hole title

Remove chunks of the terrain completely. Use Control to erase holes.

How to use the Paint Hole tool terrain

Mesh stamp title

This tool allows you to select a mesh you like and paint with it. You can use the mesh in Scenes/Scenes 4/Geometry for practice.

How to use the Mesh Stamp tool terrain

Paint Stamp Terrain title

Whereas the Mesh Stamp allows you to stamp with a 3D mesh, Stamp Terrain uses the 2D brush image.

How to use the Stamp Terrain tool

Sculpt Bridge title

This can create an incline. Control-click the terrain once to start. Click the target once to finish.

How to use the Sculpt Bridge tool

Sculpt Noise title

This tool is awesome! Adding noise into your terrain is an important aspect to making it feel natural. Practice a lot with it.

How to use the Sculpt Noise tool

Sculpt Terrace title

This creates a terraced effect. For when you want to Minecraft your terrain. :]

How to use the Sculpt Terrace tool

Sculpt Clone title

This tool works like the Sculpt Bridge. You click to select an area you want to copy from, then click the part you want to copy to.

How to use the Sculpt Clone tool

Erosion Hydraulic title

Simulates erosion caused by water.

How to use the Erosion Hydraulic tool

Erosion Thermal title

Simulates erosion caused by freezing/thawing temperature cycles.

How to use the Erosion Thermal tool

Erosion Wind title

Simulates erosion caused by wind.

How to use the Erosion Wind tool

So much erosion! Here’s a reminder to conserve and plant some trees. :]

Transform Pinch title

Pinches the terrain, excels at creating sharp points. This tool is good for making Italian meringue!

A GIF showing how to use the Transform Pinch tool

Transform Smudge title

Smudges the terrain elevation in the direction of the brush. It’s like kneading the dough for a pizza.

How to use the Transform Smudge tool

Transform Swirl title

Twists the elevation into a swirling pattern. Awesome for swirl lollipops or some cinnamon rolls. :]

How to use the Transform Swirl tool

Effect Contrast title

Accents the contrast between lower and higher terrain.

How to use the Effect Contrast tool

Effect Sharpen Peaks title

Sharpens peak features.

How to use the Effect Sharpen Peaks tool

Effect Slope Flatten tool

This flattens terrain while maintaining any slope in the elevation.

How to use the Effect Slope Flatten tool

In the next section, you’ll expand your knowledge about painting terrains by using brush masks.

Introduction to Brush Masks

In this short section, you’ll test brush filters. You already know how to create a new terrain. Open Scene 5 in RW/Scenes/Scene 5.

Import the heightmap from RW/Scenes/Scene 5/Heightmap 5 and use these values as General Settings:

  • Width: 4000
  • Length: 4000
  • Height: 2000
  • Resolution: 1025

As always, remember to rename the TerrainData object, like you did before, to keep track of it. Press Create. The result will look like this:

Terrain on Scene 5 without textures

Now, in the Toolbox, go to the Terrain Utilities tab, open the Terrain Layers section, and select the Palette Scene 5 preset. Then add one more layer using Texture Layer 5 by hand. Finally, move that layer you just added up to the first place and press Add to Terrain.

How to apply layers by hand to the terrain on Scene 5

In this case, you don’t use splatmaps because you’re going to paint by hand.