Creating a Cross-Platform Multi-Player Game in Unity — Part 3

In the third part of this tutorial, you’ll learn how to deal with shaky networks, provide a winning condition, and deal with clients who exit the session. By Todd Kerpelman.

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Where to Go from Here?

So far, you've made some major improvements to your game: you've reduced your game updates to a reasonable level; retained the smooth animation thanks to the magic of interpolation and extrapolation; and dealt with the normal and abnormal ways players can leave a game.

Here's the completed project for this part of the tutorial.

There are still a number of improvements left to do before you can call your game finished, though:

  • Handling messages arriving out-of-order
  • Running your cross-platform game on Android
  • Running your game with more than two players
  • Discovering a BIG DARK SECRET about multiplayer tutorials :]

So stay tuned! You'll cover these issues (and more!) in the Part 4 of this multiplayer tutorial. As always, if you have comments or questions, feel free to join the discussion below!

Todd Kerpelman


Todd Kerpelman


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