Swift Accelerate and vImage: Getting Started

Learn how to process images using Accelerate and vImage in a SwiftUI application. By Bill Morefield.

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Instantiating the Wrapper

Inside the sheet(isPresented:onDismiss:content:), replace print("Dismissed") with the following:

let imageWrapper = VImageWrapper(uiImage: originalImage)
processedImage = imageWrapper.processedImage

This code instantiates the wrapper with the selected image and then assigns the processedImage property of the object to the processedImage property of the view. Because you’re not changing the image yet, you’ll see the processed image matches the original one.

Build and run. Tap Select Photo and choose any photo in the simulator other than the red flowers. You’ll see things look good.

Waterfall converted from image to buffer and vice versa

But, as you might have guessed from that restriction, there’s an issue. Tap Select Photo and choose that photo of the red flowers, and you’ll see things are a bit upside down.

Red flowers with processed image upside down

The processed photo looks upside down. Specifically, it’s rotated 180° from the original. What’s causing the rotated image? You’ll fix that now.

Managing Image Orientation

The rotated image bug comes in the conversion back to a UIImage. Remember from earlier that the vImage_Buffer contains only the raw pixel data for the image. There’s no context for what those pixels mean. During the conversion back to a UIImage, you created a vImage_CGImageFormat based on the original CGImage to provide that format. So what’s missing?

It turns out that a UIImage holds more information about an image than a CGImage. One of those properties is the imageOrientation. This property specifies the intended display orientation for an image. Typically this value will be .up. But for this image, it reads .down, defining that the displayer should rotate the image 180° from its original pixel data orientation.

Because you don’t set this value when converting the vImage_Buffer back to a UIImage, you get the default of .up. The simple fix: Use the information of the original UIImage when doing the conversion.

Open VImageWrapper.swift and find the convertToUIImage(buffer:). Change the let image = ... line to read:

let image = UIImage(
  cgImage: cgImage,
  scale: 1.0,
  orientation: uiImage.imageOrientation

This constructor allows you to specify the orientation when creating the image. You use the value from the original image’s imageOrientation property.

Build and run. Tap Select Photo and choose that photo of the red flowers. You’ll now see the processed image looks correct.

Correctly oriented red flowers

Image Processing

Now that you can convert an image to and from the format vImage requires, you can start using the library to process images. You’re going to implement a few different ways to manipulate images, playing around with their colors.

Implementing Equalize Histogram

First, you’ll implement the equalize histogram process. This process transforms an image so that it has a more uniform histogram. The resulting image should have each intensity of color occur almost equally. The result is often more interesting than visually appealing. But it’s a clear visual distinction on most images.

To begin, open VImageWrapper.swift. Add the following method to the end of the struct:

// 1
mutating func equalizeHistogram() {
    // 2
    let image = uiImage.cgImage,
    var imageBuffer = createVImage(image: uiImage),
    // 3
    var destinationBuffer = try? vImage_Buffer(
      width: image.width,
      height: image.height,
      bitsPerPixel: UInt32(image.bitsPerPixel))
    else {
      // 4
      print("Error creating image buffers.")
      processedImage = nil
  // 5
  defer {

This code sets up the values needed for the image change. The conversion to a buffer should look familiar, but there’s some new work because you need a place to put the image processing results:

  1. With a struct, you must declare the method mutating so you can update the processedImage property.
  2. You get the CGImage of the UIImage along with a vImage_Buffer for the original image. You’ll see why you need the CGImage in a later step.
  3. Some processing functions place the results back into the original buffer. Most expect a second destination buffer to hold the results. This constructor allows you to specify the buffer’s width and height along with the number of bits used for each pixel in the image. You obtain these values from the CGImage obtained in step two.
  4. If any of these steps fails, then the method prints an error to the console, sets the processedImage property to nil and returns.
  5. When you create a vImage_Buffer, the library dynamically allocates memory. You must let the library know when you have finished with the object by calling free(). You wrap this call inside a defer so that it is called whenever this method returns.

Processing the Image

With the setup done, you can now process the image. Add the following code to the end of the equalizeHistogram():

// 1
let error = vImageEqualization_ARGB8888(

// 2
guard error == kvImageNoError else {
  printVImageError(error: error)
  processedImage = nil

// 3
processedImage = convertToUIImage(buffer: destinationBuffer)

You can see after the setup that the actual image processing takes little code:

  1. vImageEqualization_ARGB8888(_:_:_:) takes three parameters. The first and second are the source and destination buffers you created. You pass the vNoFlags constant you defined earlier because you have no special instructions for this function. This is the function that performs the actual histogram equalization for you.
  2. You check to see if there was an error in the function. If so, then you print the error to the console. Afterward, you clear the processedImage property and return from the method. As a reminder, thanks to the defer keyword, the free() executes now.
  3. You now convert the buffer back to a UIImage and store it in the processedImage property. If the method made it here and didn’t return earlier due to error, then now is when the free() will be called on the buffers thanks to the defer block.

Note the _ARGB8888 suffix on the vImage. Because the buffer specifies only image data without context, most vImages exist with several suffixes that treat the data as the indicated format.

This format specifies that the image data will contain the alpha, red, green and blue channels in that order for each pixel. The numbers identify that each channel consists of eight bits of information channel per pixel.

Note: You’ll find more detail on image formats at the start of Image Processing in iOS Part 1: Raw Bitmap Modification.