One More Team
Aside from our day jobs, there’s one more team that all of us here are a part of today; the iOS community. As iOS developers, we are extremely lucky because we are a part of the best community of developers that has ever existed. Before I go any further, could I just get a round of applause for the iOS community? That’s all of you guys.
We are a part of a great team and as a great team, we have a great reputation that we all benefit from of being incredibly open, supportive of each other, sharing of our hard one knowledge. We all contribute to this community in different ways.
Different Ways to Contribute

Different Ways to Contribute
Some of us write open source code. Some of us go to local meetups. Some of us answer questions on Stack Overflow. Some of us go to podcasts and some of us write blog posts.
Some of us are beginners and we’re not doing this yet, but that’s okay, because we will. As we improve our knowledge and skills, we will naturally find ourselves contributing back later. That is what the iOS community is all about and that is why I feel so lucky to be a part of this community.
Don’t Miss it All

Back in 2009 when I was an indie iPhone developer, I never would have imagined that I’d be here with the iOS community, with all of you making this conference happen today.
If I continued walking on that road that I was walking alone, I would have missed it all. Don’t fall into the same trap I almost did of being left alone on a side of the road with your feelings and your fears.
Instead, I encourage you to consider. What are the teams you could join or the teams you could make? What are the great things you could create together and how could you change your life and the lives of others?
As you begin to do this and you begin to make your wildest dreams become a reality just like in the preface of Dave and Jeff’s programming book, you’ll feel the world begin to open up.
It’s 2015 and to me, there’s still this feeling of excitement in the air more so than ever, because I truly believe with a spirit of friendship and cooperation, we can do anything.