Accepting Credit Cards In Your iOS App Using Stripe

In this tutorial, you will to learn how to accept credit cards in iOS using Stripe, a pain-free, developer-centric way to handle purchases in your apps. By Lorenzo Boaro.

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Where To Go From Here?

You've successfully implemented Stripe checkout in iOS from start to finish and your app can now accept credit cards. Whenever you want to start charging your customers, verify your Stripe account and switch all the test API keys to the live API keys.

Here are the finished iOS project and finished server script.

There are lots of cool things you can do with Stripe's API that this tutorial didn’t cover. For example, if you know you are going to be charging the same person in the future, you may want to create a customer object. If you need to collect shipping details, you can do that as well. Stripe also lets you create subscription plans and invoices if that suits your business model. Furthermore, in live mode, Stripe lets you to send email to charged customers for payment recaps.

I encourage you to peruse Stripe's docs if you're interested in implementing any of the features I mentioned above. If you have any tips or suggestions for using Stripe with iOS, or if you’ve implemented a checkout cart in the past, please share in the comments section.

Lorenzo Boaro


Lorenzo Boaro


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