Keep Momentum With A Little Help From Your Friends
You can also use other methods. I’ve used this myself often; I actually used it a lot before coming here to RWDevCon: Tease what you’re doing to others. Have others cheer for you.

Now, think about the home team in a game. The home team has a big audience cheering for them, and that gives them an advantage.
You can do the same. If you tease your project on Twitter, your followers will start cheering for you and asking you about the project. That will keep you motivated.
It will also make it more difficult for you to quit. One of the easiest things is to persuade yourself to quit, if you’re the only one knowing about your project.
If you have to explain to your ten thousand followers that you’ve quit this game that they’ve gotten all excited about, that will be hard. You’ll probably have a lot that will start unfollowing you if you do that. So, use Twitter to help motivate you to keep moving forward.
Now You’ll Slay The Monster of Incompletion!
There you have it:
- Be selective.
- Plan.
- Be realistic.
- Keep momentum.
If you do this, you have a good basis for continuing the work you’re doing, and getting to the finish line. You’ll be able to
- pick the right projects
- plan them out
- realize the full scope of what you need to do
- realistically know the time and the energy you need to put in to it
- Most importantly, you’ll keep moving forward at all times, and finish your project!
We all want to be a group of finishers. So let’s help each other, by cheering for each other, and share with each other the techniques we use in order to keep our motivation high.
Get that new app, that new, very nice app that you’re working on, onto the app store and end as The King Of The App Store. Long live The King!