raywenderlich.com at 360iDev 2015

7 members of the raywenderlich.com team will be speaking at 360iDev 2015 – find out who, and get a discount to the conference! By Ray Wenderlich.

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Marin Todorov – Power Up Your Animations!

Marin Todorov (Independent): iOS Animations by Tutorials, iOS 5-7 by Tutorials, iOS Games by Tutorials, RWDevCon Speaker, Video Team member, OS X Team member

Marin Todorov (Independent): iOS Animations by Tutorials, iOS 5-7 by Tutorials, iOS Games by Tutorials, RWDevCon Speaker, Video Team member, OS X Team member

Everyone knows how to put together a simple animation for their iOS app. Most know how to scavenge StackOverflow and find the code to do something more complex they figured out they’d need.

But how about if you want awesomely fantastically beautiful animations?

This is a demo session of what you can achieve if you really know your layers and use of GitHub and 3rd party animation libraries. There won’t be any magic in this presentation – just powerful, impressive animations!

Where To Go From Here?

If these talks sound interesting to you, check out the 360iDev website.

John was kind enough to set up a generous 20% off discount for raywenderlich.com readers – just enter the coupon code “RWCommunity”. Be sure to say hi to René, Sam, Aaron, Greg, Matthew, Ellen, and Marin if you go!

Also, stay tuned for our official raywenderlich.com conference, RWDevCon 2016: ticket sales will be opening soon! :]


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