Section IV: Store Search
In the final section of the book, you’ll build an app that supports both Light and Dark appearances via the StoreSearch app. StoreSearch shows you how to have separate custom assets and colors for each type of iOS appearance.
Mobile apps often need to talk to web services and that’s what you’ll do in your final app. You’ll make a stylish app that lets you search for products on the iTunes store using HTTP requests and JSON.
Mobile apps often need to talk to web services and that’s what you’ll do in your final app. You’ll make a stylish app that lets you search for products on the iTunes store using HTTP requests and JSON.
In this section, learn how to create custom screens both for specific orientations (landscape vs. portrait) as well as for specific platforms (iPhone vs. iPad). Be prepared to level up a swath of other skills, including: networking, working with remote API endpoints to fetch data needed by your app, and how to parse the fetched data. You’ll also learn how to work with Stack Views, and how to add iPad support to your app.
If that wasn’t enough, this section also leads you through the full app life cycle – from developing the code, testing it, and all the way to submitting to Apple.
By the end of the book, you’ll be experienced enough to turn your ideas into a real app!
About the Authors
We’d like to introduce you to the two amazing people behind this edition of the UIKit Apprentice:
Matthijs Hollemans is the original author of the original iOS Apprentice. Matthijs is an independent contractor who specializes in algorithms, machine learning and deep learning on iOS. You can visit his website at and you can reach him on Twitter here.
Fahim Farook is the maintainer and updater of the UIKit Apprentice. Fahim is a developer with over 25 years of experience in developing in over a dozen different languages. Fahim’s current focus is on the mobile app space with over 80 apps developed for iOS (iPhone and iPad), around 10 macOS apps, and a few Android apps. He’s the CEO of RookSoft FZC in the United Arab Emirates. You can reach him on Twitter here.
Where to Go From Here?
UIKit Apprentice is available as part of both the Ultimate Pro and Ultimate Beginner subscriptions. Combining top-notch video courses with detailed, professional books, an Ultimate subscription is simply the best investment you can make in your development career.
- To learn more about the Ultimate Pro and Ultimate Beginner subscriptions, check out our subscription page here.
- If you already bought the digital edition of the UIKit Apprentice/iOS Apprentice, you can log in to your book library and access the updated version here.
- If you don’t yet own the book, head over to the UIKit Apprentice homepage and start reading online today for free!
From the entire UIKit Apprentice team, thank you for your support, and we hope you enjoy this update!