Introducing the Server-Side Swift Celebration!

We’ve launched an entire section devoted to server-side Swift on with new books, courses, screencasts and tutorials. Check it out! By Chris Belanger.

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Server Side Swift with Kitura Authors

Of course, our Server Side Swift with Kitura book would be nothing without the efforts from the hard-working authors on this book:

Chris Bailey is a co-author of this book. Chris is a software developer and architect at IBM. He’s been working on programming languages and web frameworks longer than it’s polite to discuss. Somewhere along that journey, he got got involved in the very early days of Swift on Linux and became the chief architect for the Kitura web framework.

David Okun is a co-author of this book. He is a mobile software developer turned developer advocate for IBM in Austin, TX. David has been primarily focused on iOS mobile software, but is also interested in Swift on the Server, and other web technologies such as Node.js.

2) Server Side Swift with Vapor, Second Edition

Our Server Side Swift with Vapor book introduces you to the world of server development with the added bonus of using Swift. You’ll learn how to build APIs, web sites, databases, application servers and use Vapor’s very own Vapor Cloud to host your solutions off-site. You’ll use many of Vapor’s modules such as Fluent, Vapor’s ORM, and Leaf, the templating engine for building web pages.

The Second Edition of this book has been updated with four new chapters:

  • Chapter 23: GitHub Authentication: Learn how to use OAuth 2.0 to delegate authentication to GitHub, so users can log in with their GitHub accounts instead.
  • Chapter 24: Password Reset and Emails: Discover how to integrate an email service to send emails to users. You’ll also learn how to use emails to reset user passwords, which is a common operation in most web applications.
  • Chapter 25: Adding Profile Pictures: Send files in requests and handle them in your Vapor application. You’ll use this knowledge to allow users to upload profile pictures in the web application.
  • Chapter 30: Deploying with Vapor Cloud: Vapor Cloud is the Vapor team’s own solution to hosting your Vapor applications. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to deploy a Vapor application with Postgres on Vapor Cloud.

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s inside:

  • HTTP: Learn the basics of how to make requests to and from servers.
  • Fluent: Learn how to use Fluent to save and manage your models in databases.
  • Controllers: Learn how to use controllers to route your requests and responses.
  • Leaf: Learn how Vapor’s Leaf module and its templating language allow you to build dynamic web sites directly.
  • Middleware: Learn how built-in Vapor modules can assist with common tasks such as validating users, settings required response headers, serving static files and more.
  • And much, much more!

Server Side Swift with Vapor, Second Edition, is 100% complete and available today — and it’s on sale as part of our Server Side Swift Super Bundle.

Server Side Swift with Vapor Authors

Here are the hard-working authors who have contributed to Server Side Swift with Vapor:

Tim Condon is a software engineer who has worked in most areas of the industry, including security, back-end, front-end and mobile! He is the founder of Broken Hands, a company specializing in Vapor and also currently works for the BBC on their mobile team. On Twitter, he can be found sporadically tweeting as @0xTim. You can find more about him at

Tanner Nelson is an American software engineer based in New York City. He started programming in elementary school and went on to study Computer Science at New York University. Tanner created Vapor in 2016 and now works full time maintaining the core framework and the dozens of packages around it.

Jonas Schwartz had a long career as a backend and server operations developer, before he teamed up with Tanner and Logan in 2017. He came onboard after talks about building a cloud platform. Since then, his focus has been on making hosting easy and more scalable for Vapor applications.

Logan Wright began his career as an iOS Developer working on many categories of applications from navigation, to customized bluetooth communication protocols. Always a major supporter of OSS, Logan met Tanner through the Vapor project. Eventually, that grew into a full-time position and the community as we know it today.

Server-Side Swift Video Courses and Screencasts

Next in the Server-Side Swift Celebration is a curated collection of new and updated video courses and screencasts for subscribers!

These courses and screencasts are designed to get you up to speed on working with Swift on the server. And because there’s more to working with Swift on the Server than just using the frameworks, we’ve curated other video courses that will help you become a server-side Swift master, including working on the command line, using Git, working with the Swift language and more!

Here’s just a taste of some of the courses you’ll have access to as a subscriber:

1) Server Side Swift with Vapor

In this course, you’ll discover Vapor, the server-side Swift web framework, learning everything you need to build powerful APIs and websites in Swift.

2) Server Side Swift with Kitura

Learn how to build robust full-stack applications using Swift and Kitura, template your pages, working with CouchDB, building routes, and more.

3) Deploying to Vapor Cloud 2

In this screencast, you’ll earn how to deploy your Vapor app to Vapor Cloud 2, and take advantage of the free database tier in the new version of their cloud service!

4) Deploying Server-Side Apps with Docker

Docker makes it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. In this featured session from RWDevCOn 2017, you’ll learn how to package up your server-side Swift app as a custom Docker image, and leverage Docker Compose to take that image and create a container that can be used for both local development and in production.

5) Command Line Basics

A command line course for beginners! Explore the basics like manipulating files and directories, navigation and tips and tricks to make your experience on the command line a little smoother.

6) Beginning and Mastering Git

In this two-course set, you’ll learn everything from cloning and creating repos, through committing and ignoring files, to managing remotes and pull requests. You’ll then use that solid foundation and build upon it with a focus on fixing real-world problems, as you take a multi-user Git repository and work through the final steps of releasing a software product.

And there are other video courses and screencasts to complement your server-side Swift learnings, including Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift, What’s New In Swift 5, Serialization in Swift, and more!