RWDevCon 2016 Schedule Now Available!

Check out the schedule for our upcoming iOS conference focused on high-quality hands-on tutorials: RWDevCon 2016! By Ray Wenderlich.

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Advanced Tutorials

iPhone 4S, 5, 6, 6 Plus, iPad, and iPad Pro, oh my!

In this session, you’ll learn advanced techniques for adapting your layout to multiple screen sizes with minimal effort. And you’ll see how to make layouts work with auto-sizing UICollectionView cells and UIScrollView.

301: Advanced Auto Layout & Adaptive Layout (Jerry Beers)

iPhone 4S, 5, 6, 6 Plus, iPad, and iPad Pro, oh my!

In this session, you’ll learn advanced techniques for adapting your layout to multiple screen sizes with minimal effort. And you’ll see how to make layouts work with auto-sizing UICollectionView cells and UIScrollView.

With LLDB, you are a puppet master in a vast expanse of memory.

Learn how to impress/scare your coworkers with your newfound debugging knowledge and gain insight into how Apple solves the same problems you’re up against.

302: Advanced LLDB & Console Debugging (Derek Selander)

With LLDB, you are a puppet master in a vast expanse of memory.

Learn how to impress/scare your coworkers with your newfound debugging knowledge and gain insight into how Apple solves the same problems you’re up against.

Swift 2 protocols can do things impossible in Objective C, so much that Apple has even argued for “Protocol-Oriented Programming” as an alternative to object-oriented programming. What does this really mean and when is it wise?

This talk will walk through a detailed example, illustrating the pros and cons of OOP and protocol-based modeling, to show where Swift protocols are strictly superior, and also where their new benefits introduce fundamental new tradeoffs.

303: Introduction to Protocol-Oriented Programming (Alexis Gallagher)

Swift 2 protocols can do things impossible in Objective C, so much that Apple has even argued for “Protocol-Oriented Programming” as an alternative to object-oriented programming. What does this really mean and when is it wise?

This talk will walk through a detailed example, illustrating the pros and cons of OOP and protocol-based modeling, to show where Swift protocols are strictly superior, and also where their new benefits introduce fundamental new tradeoffs.

You’ve heard the term, learnt the theory, and even worked through some high level examples. This session takes Protocol-Oriented Programming out of the classroom and into the real world.

Learn how to use this new paradigm to solve everyday coding problems by working through realistic examples, and leave with the knowledge and experience you’ll need to apply POP to your own codebases.

304: Protocol-Oriented Programming in Practice (Mic Pringle)

You’ve heard the term, learnt the theory, and even worked through some high level examples. This session takes Protocol-Oriented Programming out of the classroom and into the real world.

Learn how to use this new paradigm to solve everyday coding problems by working through realistic examples, and leave with the knowledge and experience you’ll need to apply POP to your own codebases.

Is your codebase resilient to change? Can you and your team build features and fix bugs swiftly and easily without inadvertently introducing regressions?

In this tutorial, you’ll learn practical core architectural concepts while getting hands on experience writing flexible code. From encapsulating user story logic into asynchronous NSOperations to injecting dependencies, you’ll walk out of here architecting apps like a pro!

305: App Architecture (René Cacheaux)

Is your codebase resilient to change? Can you and your team build features and fix bugs swiftly and easily without inadvertently introducing regressions?

In this tutorial, you’ll learn practical core architectural concepts while getting hands on experience writing flexible code. From encapsulating user story logic into asynchronous NSOperations to injecting dependencies, you’ll walk out of here architecting apps like a pro!

Sick of giant view controllers? Not sure where to put your app’s business logic? Wanting to write tests but can’t for the life of you get started?

Lucky for you, the Model-View-ViewModel pattern is the answer you’ve been looking for! In this session you’ll get hands on experience organizing your code into easy-to-understand testable components using MVVM.

306: MVVM in Practice (Eric Cerney)

Sick of giant view controllers? Not sure where to put your app’s business logic? Wanting to write tests but can’t for the life of you get started?

Lucky for you, the Model-View-ViewModel pattern is the answer you’ve been looking for! In this session you’ll get hands on experience organizing your code into easy-to-understand testable components using MVVM.

Developing for iOS used to be as straightforward as just targeting an iPhone, iPad, or (if you were feeling adventurous) both!

In the past year, however, Apple has introduced a watch, a new Apple TV, and bigger iPads that can run your app in a multitude of size modes. You will learn how to create a single project that shares styling, frameworks, and code across
a family of targets including iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and a Today Extension.

307: Architecting for Multiple Platforms (Erik Kerber)

Developing for iOS used to be as straightforward as just targeting an iPhone, iPad, or (if you were feeling adventurous) both!

In the past year, however, Apple has introduced a watch, a new Apple TV, and bigger iPads that can run your app in a multitude of size modes. You will learn how to create a single project that shares styling, frameworks, and code across
a family of targets including iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and a Today Extension.

You (hopefully) love using Core Data in your apps but what’s the best way to pull data o the Internet and synchronize it with your app?

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to structure your Core Data calls into services which makes synchronization easier for both unit testing and implementation.

308: Core Data to Online Service Synchronization (Aaron Douglas)

You (hopefully) love using Core Data in your apps but what’s the best way to pull data o the Internet and synchronize it with your app?

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to structure your Core Data calls into services which makes synchronization easier for both unit testing and implementation.

Inspiration Talks


Description TBD.

What’s Your Why? (Jaimee Newberry)


Description TBD.


How do I get TechCrunch or Apple to feature my Apps? How do I market an app to the top of the App Store? It’s not just luck — there is a method to the madness.

Apple Design Award winner Jeremy Olson shares how he made the journey from app maker to app marketer and reveals the secrets he has learned marketing Tapity’s top apps Grades, Languages, and Hours.

The Weird and Wacky World of App Marketing (Jeremy Olson)


How do I get TechCrunch or Apple to feature my Apps? How do I market an app to the top of the App Store? It’s not just luck — there is a method to the madness.

Apple Design Award winner Jeremy Olson shares how he made the journey from app maker to app marketer and reveals the secrets he has learned marketing Tapity’s top apps Grades, Languages, and Hours.


When was the last time you wrote some code, designed an interaction, shipped an app, or otherwise did work that you know was your absolute best?

In this talk, come hear about how to better operate in the always- on, noti cation- lled workplace to produce the best work of your career.

Going Deep (Ken Yarmosh)


When was the last time you wrote some code, designed an interaction, shipped an app, or otherwise did work that you know was your absolute best?

In this talk, come hear about how to better operate in the always- on, noti cation- lled workplace to produce the best work of your career.


We all enjoy writing code, but sometimes your career as a coder can benefit from stepping away from the keyboard.

Drawing on personal stories from twenty years in technology, James’ examples serve as a guide showing how your own outside interests and experiences can make a difference in your life as a coder in unexpected ways. It may just change the way you look at the time you spend AFK.

Going AFK (James Dempsey)


We all enjoy writing code, but sometimes your career as a coder can benefit from stepping away from the keyboard.

Drawing on personal stories from twenty years in technology, James’ examples serve as a guide showing how your own outside interests and experiences can make a difference in your life as a coder in unexpected ways. It may just change the way you look at the time you spend AFK.

We, as a society, fear failure. We are terriffed of losing that job that we hate because we’re afraid we won’t find another one. We stay in a relationship with someone we don’t like because we’re afraid of never finding anyone else. We fear change. But what if we didn’t?

This talk is about learning to embrace your failures to make a life for yourself that you want to live.

Embracing Failure (Janie Clayton)

We, as a society, fear failure. We are terriffed of losing that job that we hate because we’re afraid we won’t find another one. We stay in a relationship with someone we don’t like because we’re afraid of never finding anyone else. We fear change. But what if we didn’t?

This talk is about learning to embrace your failures to make a life for yourself that you want to live.

Smaller homes require less heating. Smaller apps require less time to get acquainted with.

In this talk, you will learn about the many advantages of a small team, a small product, a small market and a small launch.

The Power of Small (Cesare Rocchi)

Smaller homes require less heating. Smaller apps require less time to get acquainted with.

In this talk, you will learn about the many advantages of a small team, a small product, a small market and a small launch.