How to Make a Game Like Monument Valley

Learn to create a simple click-to-move game where you navigate a series of seemingly impossible platforms like in Monument Valley. By Wilmer Lin.

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Where to Go From Here?

Congratulations on finishing this tutorial! Click the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of the tutorial to explore the completed project.

Check out the final version of this project from the downloaded materials. It contains an AlternateLevel in Scenes that shows a slightly more advanced treatment of the bridge platform. Notice that its Clickable tiles have more than one node attached.

The player must now use the sides and bottom of the Bridge as walkable surfaces. This time, you’ll need a few more clicks to reach the goal.

Alternate Level

Of course, this prototype just scratches the surface of the game’s unique mechanics.

To see how ustwo games made the original Monument Valley, watch Peter Pashley’s excellent “Making Of” video. You can also take a deep dive into its art design.

Use everything included in the sample project to build a more challenging scene. If you’re comfortable with C#, feel free to extend the scripted components. With just a little work, you can make your own perspective-bending puzzler!

There are a load more tutorials on this site that cover how to make certain game types or mechanics. Start your search here and check them out!

Thanks so much for reading this tutorial. If you have any questions or comments, join the discussion below.

Wilmer Lin


Wilmer Lin


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