NSTask Tutorial for OS X

In this OS X NSTask tutorial, learn how to execute another program on your machine as a subprocess and monitor its execution state while your main program continues to run. By Warren Burton.

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Preparing the Spinner

Open TasksViewController.swift and add the following code to startTask(_:):

outputText.string = ""

if let projectURL = projectPath.url, let repositoryURL = repoPath.url {
  let projectLocation = projectURL.path
  let finalLocation = repositoryURL.path
  let projectName = projectURL.lastPathComponent
  let xcodeProjectFile = projectLocation + "/\(projectName).xcodeproj"
  let buildLocation = projectLocation + "/build"
  var arguments:[String] = []
  buildButton.isEnabled = false

Here’s a step-by-step explanation of the code above:

  1. outputText is the large text box in the window; it will contain all the output from the script that you will be running. If you run the script multiple times, you’ll want to clear it out between each run, so this first line sets the string property (contents of the text box) to an empty string.
  2. The projectURL and repositoryURL objects are NSURL objects, and this gets the string representations of these objects in order to pass them as arguments to your NSTask.
  3. By convention, the name of the folder and the name of the project file are the same. Getting the lastPathComponent property of the project folder contained in projectURL and adding an “.xcodeproj” extension gets the path to the project file.
  4. Defines the subdirectory where your task will store intermediate build files while it’s creating the ipa file as build.
  5. Stores the arguments in an array. This array will be passed to NSTask to be used when launching the command line tools to build your .ipa file.
  6. Disables the “Build” button and starts a spinner animation.

Why disable the “Build” button? The NSTask will run each time the button is pressed, and as the app will be busy for an amount of time while the NSTask does its work, the user could impatiently press it many times — each time spawning a new build process. This action prevents the user from creating button click events while the app is busy.

Build and run your application, then hit the Build button. You should see the “Build” button disable and the spinner animation start:


Your app looks pretty busy, but you know right now it’s not really doing anything. Time to add some NSTask magic.

Adding an NSTask to TasksProject

Open TasksViewController.swift and add the following method:

func runScript(_ arguments:[String]) {
  isRunning = true
  let taskQueue = DispatchQueue.global(qos: DispatchQoS.QoSClass.background)
  taskQueue.async {
   Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 2.0)
	DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
	  self.buildButton.isEnabled = true
	  self.isRunning = false

If you look at the method step-by-step, you’ll see that the code does the following:

  1. Sets isRunning to true. This enables the Stop button, since it’s bound to the TasksViewController‘s isRunning property via Cocoa Bindings. You want this to happen on the main thread.
  2. Creates a DispatchQueue to run the heavy lifting on a background thread.
  3. Uses async on the DispatchQueue The application will continue to process things like button clicks on the main thread, but the NSTask will run on the background thread until it is complete.
  4. This is a temporary line of code that causes the current thread to sleep for 2 seconds, simulating a long-running task.
  5. Once the job has finished, re-enables the Build button, stops the spinner animation, and sets isRunning to false which disables the “Stop” button. This needs to be done in the main thread, as you are manipulating UI elements.

Now that you have a method that will run your task in a separate thread, you need to call it from somewhere in your app.

Still in TasksViewController.swift, add the following code to the end of startTask just after spinner.startAnimation(self):


This calls runScript with the array of arguments you built in startTask.

Build and run your application and hit the Build button. You’ll notice that the Build button will become disabled, the Stop button will become enabled and the spinner will start animating:


While the spinner is animating, you’ll still be able to interact with the application. Try it yourself — for example, you should be able to type in the Target Name field while the spinner is active.

After two seconds have elapsed, the spinner will disappear, Stop will become disabled and Build will become enabled.

Note: If you have trouble interacting with the application before it’s done sleeping, increase the number of seconds in your call to sleep(forTimeInterval:).

Note: If you have trouble interacting with the application before it’s done sleeping, increase the number of seconds in your call to sleep(forTimeInterval:).

Now that you’ve solved the UI responsiveness issues, you can finally implement your call to NSTask.

Note: Swift calls the NSTask class by the name Process because of the Foundation framework stripping of the NS prefix in Swift 3. However you’ll read NSTask in this tutorial as thats going to be the most useful search term if you want to learn more.

Note: Swift calls the NSTask class by the name Process because of the Foundation framework stripping of the NS prefix in Swift 3. However you’ll read NSTask in this tutorial as thats going to be the most useful search term if you want to learn more.

In TasksViewController.swift, find the lines in runScript that are bracketed by the comment //TESTING CODE. Replace that entire section of code inside the taskQueue.async block with the following:

guard let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "BuildScript",ofType:"command") else {
  print("Unable to locate BuildScript.command")

self.buildTask = Process()
self.buildTask.launchPath = path
self.buildTask.arguments = arguments

self.buildTask.terminationHandler = {
  task in
  DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
    self.buildButton.isEnabled = true
    self.isRunning = false

//TODO - Output Handling



The above code:

  1. Gets the path to a script named BuildScript.command, included in your application’s bundle. That script doesn’t exist right now — you’ll be adding it shortly.
  2. Creates a new Process object and assigns it to the TasksViewController‘s buildTask property. The launchPath property is the path to the executable you want to run. Assigns the BuildScript.command‘s path to the Process‘s launchPath, then assigns the arguments that were passed to runScript:to Process‘s arguments property. Process will pass the arguments to the executable, as though you had typed them into terminal.
  3. Process has a terminationHandler property that contains a block which is executed when the task is finished. This updates the UI to reflect that finished status as you did before.
  4. In order to run the task and execute the script, calls launch on the Process object. There are also methods to terminate, interrupt, suspend or resume an Process.
  5. Calls waitUntilExit, which tells the Process object to block any further activity on the current thread until the task is complete. Remember, this code is running on a background thread. Your UI, which is running on the main thread, will still respond to user input.

Build and run your project; you won’t notice that anything looks different, but hit the Build button and check the output console. You should see an error like the following:

Unable to locate BuildScript.command

This is the log from the guard statement at the start of the code you just added. Since you haven’t added the script yet, the guard is triggered.

Looks like it’s time to write that script! :]


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