Kitura Tutorial: Getting Started With Server-Side Swift
Do you wish your iOS skills worked on the backend? This Kitura tutorial will teach you to create RESTful APIs written entirely in Swift. By David Okun.
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Kitura Tutorial: Getting Started With Server-Side Swift
30 mins
Are you a busy Swift developer with no time to learn Node.js, but still feel drawn to server-side development? This Kitura tutorial will teach you how to create RESTful APIs written entirely in Swift.
You’ll build a Today I Learned app to help you learn and remember common acronyms like TIL. Along the way, you’ll learn how to:
- Create a back end API from scratch.
- Link your API to a CouchDB instance running on your local machine.
- Assign
routes for a model object.
Getting Started
To complete this Kitura tutorial, you’ll need:
- macOS 10.14 (Mojave) or higher.
- Xcode 10.1 or newer.
- Basic familiarity with Terminal, as you’ll use the command line quite a bit in this tutorial.
Installing CouchDB
You’ll use a database called CouchDB in this Kitura tutorial. It’s is a NoSQL database that strictly enforces JSON and uses revision keys for updates. So it’s safe — and fast!
When you’ve finished this tutorial, enter the following command to stop your container:
The --rm
in the docker run
command will remove the container’s files from your system.
docker run --rm --name couchdb -p 5984:5984 -d couchdb
When you’ve finished this tutorial, enter the following command to stop your container:
docker stop couchdb
The --rm
in the docker run
command will remove the container’s files from your system.
docker run --rm --name couchdb -p 5984:5984 -d couchdb
docker stop couchdb
Homebrew, a popular package manager for macOS, is the easiest way to install CouchDB. If you don’t have Homebrew installed already, open Terminal and enter this command:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Enter your password if prompted. You should see Installation Successful once it completes.
Next, enter this command to install CouchDB:
brew install couchdb
Once it’s installed, enter this command to start CouchDB:
brew services start couchdb
To confirm that CouchDB is installed and running, open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5984. You should see something like this:
"couchdb": "Welcome",
"uuid": "29b2fe0fb4054c61e6b4b8e01761707b",
"version": "1.7.1",
"vendor": {
"name": "Homebrew",
"version": "1.7.1"
Note: To stop CouchDB, enter brew services stop couchdb
Note: To stop CouchDB, enter brew services stop couchdb
Before diving into this tutorial, you’ll first need to understand a little about Kitura and REST.
Kitura and RESTful API Routing
IBM created Kitura as an open-source framework in 2015, shortly after Apple open-sourced Swift. They modeled Kitura after Express.js, the de-facto framework for creating RESTful APIs using Node.js.
REST is an acronym for Representational State Transfer. In RESTful apps, each unique URL represents an object. Non-unique URLs represent actions, which are combined with RESTful verbs like GET to fetch objects, POST to insert, DELETE to remove and PUT to update objects.
Backend development often involves many components working together. You’ll only be concerned with two back end components in this Kitura tutorial: the API and database.
For example, if you want to populate a table view with a list of acronyms and their meanings, your client app sends a GET request to the backend. In practice, your app requests the URL
The API receives your request and uses a router to decide how to handle it. The router checks all available routes, which are simply publicly accessible endpoints, to determine if there is a GET route ending in /acronyms
. If it finds one, it executes the associated route’s code.
The /acronyms
route then does the following:
- Retrieves the acronyms from the database.
- Serializes them into JSON.
- Packages them into a response.
- Sends the JSON response back to the requesting client.
This results in the following interaction between the API and database:
If an API is RESTful, then it must also be stateless. In this example, you can think of the API as the orchestrator, commanding data to and from your ecosystem. Once the request is fulfilled, the state of the API and its routes should be unchanged and able to handle the next request.
Just because the API is stateless doesn’t mean it isn’t allowed to store or modify objects. The API itself doesn’t store states, but it does query and update the database to fetch, store and modify objects’ states.
Creating the Kitura Tutorial Project
You didn’t download a starter project for this tutorial yet. Well, that’s because you’re going to create it from scratch, from the command line.
brew tap ibm-swift/kitura
brew install kitura
kitura init
brew tap ibm-swift/kitura
brew install kitura
kitura init
Open Terminal and enter the following commands:
mkdir KituraTIL
cd KituraTIL
swift package init --type executable
This uses the Swift Package Manager to create a new executable package.
You should see output similar to the following:
Creating executable package: KituraTIL
Creating Package.swift
Creating .gitignore
Creating Sources/
Creating Sources/KituraTIL/main.swift
Creating Tests/
Creating Tests/LinuxMain.swift
Creating Tests/KituraTILTests/
Creating Tests/KituraTILTests/KituraTILTests.swift
Creating Tests/KituraTILTests/XCTestManifests.swift
Next, enter the following command to open Package.swift with Xcode:
open -a Xcode Package.swift
Replace the entire contents of Package.swift with the following:
// swift-tools-version:4.2
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
// 1
name: "KituraTIL",
dependencies: [
// 2
.package(url: "",
.upToNextMajor(from: "2.0.0")),
// 3
.package(url: "",
.upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")),
// 4
.package(url: "",
.upToNextMajor(from: "3.0.0"))
targets: [
.target(name: "KituraTIL",
dependencies: ["Kitura" , "HeliumLogger", "CouchDB"],
path: "Sources")
Here’s what each of these commands does:
- You first set the name of your target executable. By convention, you should name this after the enclosing directory.
- Here, you declare your dependencies one-by-one; starting with Kitura itself.
- HeliumLogger is a back end logging framework, which you’ll use to log messages while your back end app is running.
- Kitura-CouchDB allows Kitura to communicate with CouchDB.
- Finally, you declare your target and its dependencies.
Save this file and go back to Terminal where you should still be in the same directory containing Package.swift. You are now going to add a document that sets the version of Swift for this project. Enter the following command:
echo "4.2.1" >| ".swift-version"
You are now ready to load your dependencies and build the project for the first time. Enter the following command in Terminal:
swift build
This will generate a lot of logging, ending with logs about compiling your project. You’ll see this output at the end:
Compile Swift Module 'KituraTIL' (1 sources)
Linking ./.build/x86_64-apple-macosx10.10/debug/KituraTIL