RW Chat
Come chat with members of the mobile development community on our new Discord server. 100% free to all!
Can’t attend some of the other live events, or prefer to collaborate on discussions as a community? Or maybe you’re more the type to hash out challenges or problems with a group of like-minded developers?
We’ve got just the thing for you! RW Chat is a public Discord server that is 100% free for anyone to join.
What is RW Chat?
The RW Chat is designed for community discussion on the following topics:
- Questions related to iOS and Swift (
) - Questions related to Android and Kotlin (
) - Suggestions for new tutorials or features on (
) - General chat with community members (
, and more)
Ray will be in the chat as well, and he’d love to meet you and get to know you better! :]
How Do I Sign Up for RW Chat?
You can sign up for RW Chat at the links below, and view our community code of conduct:
- Join RW Chat on Discord! (once you get in, please follow the instructions to link your account to see the chat channels)
- RW Chat Code of Conduct
Is RW Chat Moderated?
Yes! We have a group of friendly volunteer moderators in the RW Chat available to help answer questions and to foster a fun, friendly, and supportive atmosphere.
Lead Moderator
Jari Koopman is a Server-Side Swift & iOS Developer, and two time WWDC Scholarship winner. He’s currently working as a Data Engineer at Wehkamp, one of the biggest online retailers in the Netherlands. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games, or working on various side projects.
iOS Moderators
Roberto Machorro is a dad, software developer, investor, frequent traveler, reader, foodie, miles and points spender. He’s been over-thinking it since 1975.
Gina De La Rosa is a self taught iOS developer from Southern California. She began her iOS journey in 2014 and loves Swift! When she is not working on apps, she’s catching up on Adventure Time episodes. On sunny days (which is often in SoCal) she is working on her grilling skills and is always experimenting with recipes.
Jean-Pierre Distler is a freelance iOS Developer based in Braunfels, Germany. He started developing apps in 2010. When he’s not on his computer he enjoys time with his family.
Mani Ramezan is a full-stack engineer currently focusing on mobile development. He enjoys contributing to open-source and automation. Besides coding, he enjoys going to live concerts and cooking. You can him find on Twitter at @maniramezan.
Android Moderators
Filip Babić is a professional developer with extensive knowledge of Android, Kotlin, and Java. Developing since 2015, he’s amassed a great deal of experience and finished projects using only best practices, building high-quality products. Filip is a huge Kotlin lover and preacher, mostly focusing on Kotlin Coroutines and other low-level concurrency mechanisms. When not coding, filip is gaming, writing about coding, or speaking about coding at various events, meetups, and conferences. He’s also a dungeon master in his spare time.
Kevin Moore really enjoys developing Android and iOS applications and in his spare time to create apps that I freely share. He been programming on the Android platform for over 8 years and iOS for a year. He has a course on Kotlin on and has done talks at conferences.
Joey deVilla landed his first programming job in the ’90s with a HyperCard (remember that?) resume and by going out for beer with the managers of the company where he wanted to work until they caved and hired him. Since then, he’s worked at a San Francisco startup during the dot-com bubble, done tech evangelism for Tucows, Microsoft, and Shopify, valiantly tried to make Windows Phone happen, and once had a very short stint as an accordion-playing go-go dancer at a Toronto nightclub. Joey lives, works, and engages in nincompoopery in Tampa, Florida, where he runs Tampa iOS Meetup (and helps out at the Android and Xamarin Meetups, too!), plays unlikely rock and pop tunes on his accordion, and generally does what he can to avoid becoming a “Florida Man” news story.