LiveData Tutorial for Android: Deep Dive

In this Android tutorial, you’ll learn about LiveData which is a core architecture component, and how to use it to its full potential in your app. By Prateek Sharma.

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LiveData in Action: Example Two – Update Progress

You’ve created your first LiveData in no time. But, the app is missing out on good UX. Having a ProgressBar to give the loading feedback will bring life to the application and provide a good user experience.

It’s time to take a look at fragment_movie_list.xml file under layout directory in res folder. You’ll notice it has a ProgresBar. Also checkout MovieLoadingState enum, which defines three states. Using those states, the visibility of the views inside the fragment is changed. Checkout the code inside onMovieLoadingStateChanged() function in MovieListFragment.kt.

Next, you need to make changes inside MainViewModel.kt to utilize the MovieLoadingState enum and call to update the views.

Open MainViewModel.kt and add following to the top where other variables are declared:

val movieLoadingStateLiveData = MutableLiveData<MovieLoadingState>()

This declares LiveData to hold MovieLoadingState value. Now, replace fetchMovieByQuery() function with the following:

private fun fetchMovieByQuery(query: String) {
  viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
    try {
      withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
        movieLoadingStateLiveData.value = MovieLoadingState.LOADING
      val movies = repository.fetchMovieByQuery(query)
    } catch (e: Exception) {

Here’s what this code does:

  1. Before fetching movies from repository, update movieLoadingState with LOADING state. One way is to use Dispatchers.MAIN (foreground) because you are updating LiveData from within Dispatcher.IO (background) block of coroutine.
  2. Alternatively, you can use postValue without Dispatchers.MAIN context, as explained in the Synchronous vs Asynchronous section above. Update movieLoadingState to LOADED after you fetch movies from repository.
  3. Update movieLoadingState with MovieLoadingState.INVALID_API_KEY state, when repository throws exception.

As a last step, open MovieListFragment.kt, and add the following inside initialiseObservers() function:

mainViewModel.movieLoadingStateLiveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {

This adds an observer that will show and hide progress bar and recycler view based on movieLoadingState.

Note: Try updating movieLoadingState without Dispatchers.Main in coroutine with Dispatcher.IO context, the app will crash because only UI thread should observe LiveData and not the background thread. As soon as LiveData updates, active observers receive the latest value.

You’ve made good amendments to the app. Build and run the app. You should be able to see the progress bar now based on the state of the search.

Movies by search term with progress


Transformations help to perform operations on the LiveData before dispatching values to the active Observers.

An example where Transformations are beneficial is when the repository itself returns LiveData. When repository returns LiveData, ViewModel needs to be a Lifecycle owner to observe the LiveData. ViewModel can’t be a Lifecycle owner because they depend on other Lifecycle owners like Fragment or Activity.

What do you do then? That’s where Transformations.switchMap helps, by creating a new LiveData that reacts to changes in other LiveData instances. v/s Transformations.switchMap

LiveData provides two types of transformations. As per the official documentation:

  1. like RxJava’s map, applies an operation on value stored in LiveData and propagates the result value downstream. The function passed to map returns type of the data that LiveData holds. Use it when you want to manipulate the data before it goes to UI.
  2. Transformations.switchMap like RxJava’s flatMap, applies an operation on value stored in LiveData, unwraps and dispatches the result downstream. The function passed to switchMap returns LiveData. Use it when your repository itself returns LiveData.

Transformations.switchMap – Example

Let’s see how you can use Transformations in the app.

First, replace the fetchMovieByQuery() function in MainViewModel.kt with the function below:

private fun fetchMovieByQuery(query: String): LiveData<List<Movie>> {
  val liveData = MutableLiveData<List<Movie>>()
  viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
    val movies = repository.fetchMovieByQuery(query)
  return liveData

Here’s what this code does:

  1. Update the fetchMovieByQuery() to return LiveData of List of Movies.
  2. Use local variable liveData which will hold movies from the repository.
  3. Instead of searchMoviesLiveData, update the liveData with movies.
  4. Returns LiveData of List of Movies, you’ll see how to use this returned list in the code snippets below.

Next, in the same class, replace the declaration of the existing searchMoviesLiveData variable with the following:

var searchMoviesLiveData: LiveData<List<Movie>>

Add the following at the top of the class below the searchMoviesLiveData variable:

private val _searchFieldTextLiveData = MutableLiveData<String>()

init {
  searchMoviesLiveData = Transformations.switchMap(_searchFieldTextLiveData) {

Lastly, inside the onSearchQuery() function, replace the call to fetchMovieByQuery(query) method, with the following:

_searchFieldTextLiveData.value = query

Here’s what this code does:

  1. Makes searchMoviesLiveData a non final LiveData as it will update when _searchFieldTextLiveData updates.
  2. _searchFieldTextLiveData will hold the search term entered by the user.
  3. When _searchFieldTextLiveData changes, it calls fetchMovieByQuery() and assigns list of movies to searchMoviesLiveData.
  4. Triggers the call to Transformations.switchMap() with latest search term entered by user. Notice coding convention for private fields in Kotlin.

Build and run the app. You shouldn’t experience any changes in the behavior. However you’ve now stored the search query in _searchFieldTextLiveData, which will be helpful if you rotate the screen and want to populate the search field with the earlier search query.


It’s surprising to know that Transformations use MediatorLiveData under the hood. It merges more than one LiveData into one. Observers of MediatorLiveData gets value when any of the LiveData’s value changes. And the fun part is, you can also create your custom Transformations using MediatorLiveData like map and switchMap.

Imagine, if you want to show popular movies when the MovieApp loads, together with the existing search functionality. Without MediatorLiveData you’ll end up adding movies in a third LiveData manually, which in longer-term will hinder the app’s scalability.


First, open the MainViewModel.kt. Inside the class, declare the following at the top where other variables are declared.

private val _popularMoviesLiveData = MutableLiveData<List<Movie>>()

val moviesMediatorData = MediatorLiveData<List<Movie>>()

Then replace the searchMoviesLiveData variable with the following:

private var _searchMoviesLiveData: LiveData<List<Movie>>

Here’s what this code does:

  1. Declares a movies data holder for popular movies. Declaring it as private makes it inaccessible outside MainViewModel.kt.
  2. Declares a movie data holder moviesMediatorData, which is public and the only source of movies for UI.
  3. Updates searchMoviesLiveData visibility to private. _popularMoviesLiveData and _searchMoviesLiveData will be merged in one moviesMediatorData.

Next, add sources to moviesMediatorData by replacing init block with the following code:

init {
  _searchMoviesLiveData = Transformations.switchMap(_searchFieldTextLiveData) {
  moviesMediatorData.addSource(_popularMoviesLiveData) {
    moviesMediatorData.value = it

  moviesMediatorData.addSource(_searchMoviesLiveData) {
    moviesMediatorData.value = it

Next, inside onFragmentReady() function, replace TODO comment by the following:


Here’s what this code does:

  1. This adds source to moviesMediatorData. When _popularMoviesLiveData value changes, moviesMediatorData also updates and thus the updating the UI.
  2. This attaches a second source to moviesMediatorData. Depending on specific business use case, you can show searched results and popular movies combined or one at a time.
  3. You’ll invoke onFragmentReady() from MovieListFragment.kt in the code snippets below. fetchPopularMovies() fetches movies from repository.

Next, replace fetchPopularMovies() with the following:

private fun fetchPopularMovies() {
  movieLoadingStateLiveData.value = MovieLoadingState.LOADING
  viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
    try {
      val movies = repository.fetchPopularMovies()
    } catch (e: Exception) {

Here’s what this code does:

  1. Before fetching movies from repository, update the UI with MovieLoadingState.LOADING state.
  2. Fetches movies from repository and stores them in _popularMoviesLiveData. This will also update the movies in moviesMediatorData for UI to observe.
  3. After fetching movies from repository, update the UI with MovieLoadingState.LOADED state. This will hide the loading indicator and show the recyclerview.
  4. Update movieLoadingState with MovieLoadingState.INVALID_API_KEY state, when repository throws exception.

Next, open MovieListFragment.kt and inside onActivityCreated() add the following code:


Lastly, remove observer for searchMoviesLiveData from initialiseObservers() function. Then add an observer for moviesMediatorData in it:

mainViewModel.moviesMediatorData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {

Here’s what this code does:

  1. This tells mainViewModel that UI is ready with basic initialization. onFragmentReady() calls fetchPopularMovies().
  2. This observes moviesMediatorData, which is the only source of data for movieAdapter. It combines updates of both _popularMoviesLiveData and _searchMoviesLiveData.

You’ve seen how scalable and easy it is to combine two or more LiveDatas into one. Now, build and run the app.

Popular and Search based movies